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Reema Patel


What’s your job title and how long have you worked at 老葡京手机app?

I am a manager and financial advisor. I have been at 老葡京手机app for more than 7 years.

What inspired you to work in accounting?


Reema Patel (right) attends a wedding with her mom.

我在罗格斯大学新不伦瑞克分校读医学预科. I was so sure I wanted to be a pediatrician; all my high school electives were science classes. 但当我开始上大学,不得不更认真地考虑我的未来, 对于我生命中如此重要的一部分:取得正确的考试成绩,我无法处理这种不确定性的想法, getting accepted into medical school, rotations and residency, etc. My personality favored a plan that I could largely control, 所以我开始探索不同可能的职业追求,最终选择了会计. 会计的职业道路与我规避风险的天性相得益彰, 我可以很容易地计划如何围绕它建立我的职业生涯, 消除了医学生涯带来的所有不确定性.

What’s the most exciting part of your job?

I love being a part of a smart, ambitious, innovative team. Working with people toward a common goal energizes me.


我们的行业节奏非常快,面向客户且不断变化. Keys to success in such a field are strong organization, thinking outside the box, enjoying working with people and openness to change.

How has your heritage shaped the person you are today?

When I was growing up, 我的父母试图将他们的习俗和文化传统灌输给我和我的兄弟,以保持他们与印度生活的联系. 随着时间的推移,我的兴趣开始减少,因为我哥哥和我已经不怎么感兴趣了. 我从小到大都不太关注我的血统,否则. 我认为我们有时会远离自己的那部分身份,因为我们身边没有很多像我们这样的孩子. It was also very hard to look and be different, especially as a kid, 因此,我们尽量减少让我们与众不同的部分,更多地关注与我们的同伴分享相似的兴趣.

Reema Patel in the Grand Canyon

Reema visits the Grand Canyon with her boyfriend, Jonathan.

直到我成年后,我才意识到这是许多像我们一样的人的共同经历, 我们这样做是因为成功通常与接近“白人”和能够融入社会有关. 我认为在很多方面,作为一个社会,我们对这些差异变得更加开放,这是一种积极的感觉, but you still see how much anti-immigrant, anti-Asian, anti-Black, 反对任何与主流文化不同的人的仇恨仍然存在,因此还有很多需要改进的地方.

但这很遗憾,因为我觉得我在这个过程中失去了我的文化的很大一部分. 我现在试图弥补这一点,更有意识地思考我们的文化中哪些方面对我的家庭有意义,并将它们融入我和白人的关系中, Jewish boyfriend. 我们作为移民子女的经历在很多方面帮助我们联系在一起, 也使我们对彼此的文化更加开放,重新联系并加深了我们与自己文化的关系. We’ve shared foods, holidays, language, 这些传统对我们的家庭很重要,我们一起学习.


The strongest connection I have with my family is over food. I remember helping my mom make Indian food when I was a kid, and that interest continued into my cooking as an adult. 我经常打电话给我妈妈,问她如何做我们最喜欢的印度菜. 她“只知道”每种配料应该放多少,我还没有掌握这项技能,但这将是最终的目标. My family would have Indian tea every single day, and ever since I moved out on my own, 我也继续了这个传统,甚至把它介绍给我的男朋友,他现在做得比我还好!


When I work, I listen to movie scores to help me focus. Not the soundtracks to a movie of popular songs, but the actual instrumental background music from movies.

What’s your favorite book or podcast?

The Ringerverse.

Reema Patel in Montreal



这让我想起了所有在我父母之前来到美国的移民,他们为后代铺平了道路. 我的父母在离开家时面临着他们独特的挣扎, 家人和他们所知道的一切只是为了一个美好生活的承诺. They faced so much hardship in that process, 但与之前的移民群体相比,他们是幸运的. 亚太裔美国人月是一种纪念和认可所有在我之前的人所经历的以及他们对这个社会所做贡献的一种小方式.

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